Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Leaves Fall Down

Learning Goal: Leaves change color and fall down from the trees in autumn time.
  • Reading= A Tree Is Nice by Janice May Udry, Fall Leaves Fall! by Zoe Hall and Why Do Leaves Change Color? by Betsy Maestro. Letter of the day= L is for leaf.
  • Science= Go for a nature walk and gather a variety of leaves. Compare them to a group of leaves previously gathered by a parent. Allow children to match up the leaves. Examine the leaves closely with a magnifying glass to make some comparisons. Make leaf rubbings to show the different shapes and vein patterns of the leaves.
  • Art= Glue leaves on paper and decorate to create a variety of creatures (butterflies, bugs, birds, fish, turkeys, etc.). Or, die-cut coffee filters in the shape of large leaves. Use medicine droppers to drop colored water (made with food coloring) onto the filter to make a beautiful design. Hang the leaves in a window as a sun catcher.
  • Music= Move to music with Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 17 in G. Pretend to be leaves hanging in the trees, floating in the breeze, falling to the ground. (We jumped off the couch onto the floor!)
  • Play= Rake leaves and jump into the piles! Or, use socks as “leaves”. Stand under a laundry basket as your mom drops the pile of socks onto your head. Pretend to be trees and drop your sock leaves. Gather the socks into a pile and jump!

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